Welcome back to the Bored Aquarian audio companion that is actually a video companion this week. I’m excited to introduce you to my beautiful friend Sara Read (aka this friend and also this friend), who happens to be a hiker of epic proportions.
Whereas I nearly ended my relationship with R. over a two-ish day backpacking debacle at South Sister (an awesome meltdown my brother-in-law had the pleasure of experiencing from the backseat of the car since we all drove together), Sara laughs in the face of thousand-plus mile adventures and multi-month excursions. I coerced her onto Zoom to tell us why. What you’ll find in this video is a detailed look at the humanity of it all.
It’s a long conversation, but we had a lot of fun, and I think you will, too. One last thing: if this chat piqued your interest in some small way, please check out Sara’s amazing YouTube and Patreon. That’s where you’ll be able to follow her along her mind-blowing nine-month hiking journey that begins in March. She gives us the deets in the video, so be sure to watch the whole thing. Enjoy!
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